Phase 2: Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice, and Engagement (G-HIVE) 2022 – 2025

Phase 2, which begun in September 2022, saw the development of the Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice, and Engagement (G-HIVE). METRO GAVS used the initial three months of programme delivery to evaluate and learn from the challenges of Phase 1, with Phase 2 building upon its successes. This included the recruitment of three additional roles for the G-HIVE Programme Team:

  • Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator
  • Programme Support Officer
  • Communications and Network Support Officer

Following on from the initial co-design workshop, the G-HIVE Programme Team planned and developed G-HIVE through two strands: infrastructure and activities. Both strands were developed to interact with and complement each other, so that G-HIVE could deliver with a multifaceted approach.


Agreeing What and How We Want to Change Workshop

As part of the ongoing development of G-HIVE, METRO GAVS needed to understand the changes, outcomes, and impacts which G-HIVE was going to deliver. Known as a theory of change, this process helped to connect G-HIVE infrastructure and activities with the changes that are needed within the Health and Social Care System.

The Agreeing What and How We Want to Change Workshop, which was help in April 2023, was an opportunity to work with stakeholders across the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors to progress the draft G-HIVE Theory of Change. The workshop supported stakeholders to continue building their understanding of how G-HIVE will support them within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.


G-HIVE Theory of Change



G-HIVE Offer

As part of the evaluation and learning stage of Phase 2, the G-HIVE Programme Team developed the offer which G-HIVE will provide within the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The G-HIVE Offer outlines what and how G-HIVE can and will deliver to support the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors, including local communities, around voice, influence, representation, and engagement. Whilst the overall offer did not change, throughout its planning and development stage, it was deemed beneficial for G-HIVE to have two strands to its offer to the borough:

  • Consultation and Engagement support for the Statutory Sector
  • Voice, Influence, and Representation support for the Voluntary Sector

This adjustment reflected the different requirements and uses of G-HIVE and the two sectors which it will mainly be working with.


Greenwich Hub for Influence Voice and Engagement Offer


Digital Infrastructure

The successful management and delivery of G-HIVE was dependent on the digital infrastructure of METRO GAVS, both internally and externally. As part of the development of G-HIVE, several improvements were made to the METRO GAVS digital infrastructure:

  • Creation of a new internal customer relationship management system (CRM) to replace the previous database, which was equipped with full G-HIVE functionality
  • Reinvigoration of the social media channels, specifically Facebook and X (formerly Twitter)
  • Restructuring and redeveloping the website to replace the previous website, including the creation to the G-HIVE Consultation and Engagement database



Networking Events 

Providing networking opportunities across the Health and Social Care System was identified as a priority during Phase 1. Therefore, the G-HIVE Programme Team began to host two networking events a year during Phase 2 of the programme. Each event includes opportunities for formal and informal networking, as well as activities to support the development of G-HIVE.

January 2023: The aim was to initiate consideration of how G-HIVE can support the Health and Social Care System within the Royal Borough of Greenwich in relation to voice and engagement. Three activities were delivered to:

  • Support delegates to network and get to know each other
  • Understand how the Health and Social Care System can support the development of G-HIVE
  • Develop how G-HIVE can support voice and engagement within the Health and Social Care System


January 2023 G-HIVE Networking Event Report


November 2023: The aim was to continue building professional relationships and networks between the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors within the Health and Social Care System in the Royal Borough of Greenwich​. Furthermore, an additional aim was to facilitate the G-HIVE Programme Team to design G-HIVE's Learning, Development, and Training Support Package. To do so, three activities were delivered:

  • Speed Networking
  • Knowledge and Information Audit
  • Skills and Abilities Audit

Moreover, two presentations were delivered by stakeholders within the borough:

  • Corporate Community Engagement (Royal Borough of Greenwich)
  • Emergency Planning (Volunteer Centre Greenwich)


November 2023 G-HIVE Networking Event Report

Royal Borough of Greenwich Cooperate Community Engagement

The Voluntary Sector – A Vital link in Emergency Planning


April 2024: The first aim was to continue building professional relationships and networks between the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors within the Health and Social Care System in the Royal Borough of Greenwich​. Furthermore, the second aim was to launch the formal G-HIVE offer to stakeholders within the borough, with the third being to review G-HIVE's progress during Phase 2 Year 2 (September 2023 to April 2024). To do so, two activities were delivered:

  • Small Group Networking
  • Key Stakeholder Organisation Chat-er-Pillar

Moreover, one presentation was delivered by a stakeholder within the borough:

  • Emergency Planning (Volunteer Centre Greenwich)


April 2024 G-HIVE Networking Event Report


Voice and Influence Conferences

To review the progress of G-HIVE, the G-HIVE Programme Team continue to host an annual Voice and Influence Conference. The first of these was delivered at the halfway point during Phase 1. To create a space for reflection of the previous year and planning for the upcoming one, the date for subsequence conferences was switched to the end of each calendar year.

December 2023: The aims were to review G-HIVE’s progress during Phase 2 Year 1 (September 2022 to December 2023)​ and launch the Royal Borough of Greenwich Voice and Influence Charter​. An additional aim was to facilitate the G-HIVE Programme Team to understand key priority areas for Phase 2 Year 2 (January 2024 – September 2024). Finally, the conference enabled the continued building of professional relationships and networks, as well as understanding of roles in the health and social care system in the Royal Borough of Greenwich​. 


December 2023 G-HIVE Networking Event Report

G-HIVE Progress Report (including Welcome and Introductions)

HER Centre Chat-er-Pillar Presentation

ICS-ICB Chat-er-Pillar Presentation

What is an Integrated Care System and What Does It Mean for You?


Phase 2 Outputs and Outcomes (To Date)

Phase 2 continues to produce a number of outputs and outcomes in relation to the development and establishment of G-HIVE. This includes the revitalisation of the METRO GAVS digital infrastructure. In addition to this, consensus has been achieved around the following:

  • The offer which G-HIVE provides to the Royal Borough of Greenwich, including the changes, outcomes, and impacts which G-HIVE is aiming to deliver
  • The importance of in person networking opportunities, both formal and informal, as a way for stakeholders to extend their networks and better understand projects, programmes, services, and activities being delivered within the Royal Borough of Greenwich
  • The need to avoid duplication, use pre-existing resources, and build on delivery which has occurred previously


For further information about G-HIVE, please contact: