METRO GAVS provides a range of highly effective services to support you to improve your organisation, and to get the voice of Voluntary Sector groups and organisations heard by local decision-makers. These include:

  • Info Update - a weekly e-bulletin of up-to-date news on fundraising, events and key issues
  • Start-up materials and start up training
  • One-off support to help your organisation (e.g. funding, policy, or management advice)
  • Help to get your, and your service users’, voices heard (e.g. to the Council and local NHS)
  • Pointing you in the right direction, including the right people to talk to
  • One-to-one support meeting(s) either in-person or virtually

Do not forget to follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook too.


From our current anonymous feedback, 75% respondents feel we either meet or exceed expectations around our representation support while a staggering 100% say we meet or exceed expectations around our capacity building support!