Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice and Engagement

The Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice, and Engagement (G-HIVE) aims to improve the joint working between the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors within the Royal Borough of Greenwich, to redress deep-rooted health inequalities in the borough. It builds on the collaboration which occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the intention of changing the way that services engage with local communities and Voluntary Sector groups and organisations.

The long-term vision for G-HIVE is to create a powerful infrastructure that better ensures representation of local health and social care needs and reflects local communities’ aspirations. G-HIVE is centred on building a culture of system change which should lead to reduced demand on the NHS and social care. Moreover, it aims to build trust, develop preventative services that local communities actively shape, and that they value in the medium-to-long-term.




For further information about G-HIVE, please contct: