Safeguarding and Child Protection Self-Assessment Tool

The NSPCC has a free self-assessment tool to help organisations audit current safeguarding and child protection arrangements.

What Are Your Thoughts on this e-Bulletin?

We want to make sure the information posted each week helps you and your organisation.

G-HIVE Co-Creation, Co-Development, Co-Design, and Co-Production Training

1:00pm - 4:00pm, 4 December, Woolwich Equitable House.

Are you on X (Twitter) and Facebook?

Follow METRO GAVS to keep up to date with our latest announcements, events and opportunities for voluntary and statutory sector organisations in the borough.

Who Does What at METRO GAVS

If you or your organisation requires support, the METRO GAVS Team can provide this within each of their portfolios.

Concerned About Something?

METRO GAVS often finds that groups and organisations come to us when a small issue has become a big problem.