I have extensive experience in policy, planning, service development, and commissioning. I have mostly worked in children’s services in the London Borough of Lambeth, after leaving the London Borough of Waltham Forest as the borough’s Health Policy Adviser. I am an experienced Prince2 registered project management practitioner. Prior to moving into local government, I worked briefly as Assistant Secretary to the Community Health Council in the London Borough of Islington.
At METRO GAVS, I deliver two roles as Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator for the Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice, and Engagement (G-HIVE) and Development Officer within the Infrastructure Support and Capacity Building Service. As a Stakeholder I am responsible for facilitating and developing representation and engagement of the Voluntary Sector within Statutory Sector projects, programmes, services, and activities. I also represent the Voluntary Sector on the Standing Against Racism Working Group. As a Development Officer I am responsible for supporting Voluntary Sector groups and organisations working with children and young people. Through this role I also sit on the Safeguarding Children's Board, and Children and Young People Partnership Board.
Contact: [email protected]