Jon Devlin

I am currently Associate Director of Business Development and Partnerships at Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice 

I have worked in the Voluntary Sector for fifteen years in a wide range of roles, with both local and national organisations. My current day-to-day responsibilities include commissioning, contract management, and partnerships with Voluntary Sector groups, the NHS, and local authorities; data and intelligence; volunteering and community development; and leading a consortium of third sector providers in Bexley to undertake Care Act Assessments for the Adult Social Care Team. I also maintain direct involvement with our Compassionate Neighbours Programme, spending time with people who are nearing the end of life and who may be at risk of social isolation, linking them with volunteer support. 

As well as working in Greenwich, I am a proud local resident, living in Plumstead. I passionately believe that with the predicted challenges we will be facing in coming months, a strong and vibrant Voluntary, Community, and Faith Sector is more important than ever. I hope that to combine my skills with my experiences of what matters to residents to amplify our collective voice.