South East London Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise Strategic (VCSE) Alliance are excited to announce the launch of their new website.
This new website brings together resources, updates, and opportunities for collaboration and partnership, and is about creating stronger connections and fostering partnership between the VCSE sector and the rest of the healthcare system across South East London. Andrew Kerr, a representative on the Alliance from METRO GAVS, said “The SEL VCSE Strategic Alliance is a brilliant initiative which fosters, facilitates, and champions collaboration and partnership working across South East London. It allows for stakeholders across the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors to come together in a way that truly serves our communities to strengthen the Health and Social Care System. As a collective, we are building a more joined up approach to ensure that projects, programmes, services, and activities are meeting local communities' needs and aspirations, which is strengthened more locally with initiatives such as the Greenwich Hub for Influence, Voice, and Engagement (G-HIVE). I am exciting to be a part of the alliance, working towards a shared vision for South East London, and look forward to seeing the work delivered go from strength to strength for the benefit of those who live, work, and study in South East London." You can check out the website here.